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Museum Passes at your Library!!
sponsored by the Friend of the Portland Library

Frequently Asked Questions

Who may borrow the museum passes?

Patrons must be 18 or over, registered in Library Connection, Portland Library's circulation system, and in good standing to check out museum passes.  For more information about registering for museum passes, contact the Portland Library.
Multiple No-shows to pick up a museum pass will result in patron's borrowing of museum passes to be revoked!


How can I make a reservation?  
You can make a reservation online, by telephone or in person at the Library. You may generally reserve an individual museum pass up to two times per month. Please reserve no more than 1 pass per day and no more than two per month per family. Each family is expected to borrow no more than five total passes per month. 


How do I make an online reservation?
1)  To make a reservation call the library 860-342-6770. 
When a list of the museums appears, click on the graphic for the desired museum. 
2)  You will then select a date to use the pass. You will need your Library Card Number in order to reserve a pass. 


How far in advance may I reserve a pass?
Adults may reserve passes up to one month in advance. You reserve 2 passes a month per museum.

How do I cancel a reservation? If you reserve a pass and change your plans, please contact the Library in advance to cancel your reservation or cancel online. 


What does the pass allow me to do?
The passes allow for a set number of people to attend the museum for a reduced rate or for free admission. Each museum, zoo, or aquarium sets forth its own conditions. Prices and hours may be subject to change; please check with the Museum or Park website.


Printable passes
Many of our passes are now available to print when the pass is reserved.  A patron may print the printable pass and take it to the museum for entrance or to receive the discounted price.  These printable passes do not need to be returned to the Portland Library.  If the pass is printable, we will no longer issue a standard pass that needs to be returned.  If a patron does not have access to a printer, Library Staff will print out the pass for the patron.
Printable passes:  Basketball Hall of Fame, Children’s Museum/Roaring Brook Nature Center, Connecticut’s Old State House, Connecticut River Museum, Eric Carle Museum of Picture Book Art, Florence Griswold Museum,  Lutz Children’s Museum,
Mark Twain House, Mattatuck Museum, Mystic Seaport, New Britain Museum of American Art, New England Air Museum,
New England Carousel Museum & Museum of Fire History, New Haven Museum and Wadsworth Athenaeum.

Non-printable passes

How do I pick up the non-printable pass?
You may pick up your pass at the Information Desk after 9:00 am on the day of your reservation (The Library opens at 10:00 am, so please ring the Library's bell between 9:00 am and 10:00 am).  Your pass may be available after 4:00 pm on the day prior to your trip.  If you desire the pass the day prior to your visit, please telephone ahead to ensure availability. 
Nonprintable passes:  Beardsley Zoo and No Child Left Inside/State Parks & Forests’ Day Pass.


When does the non-printable museum pass need to be returned?
The pass must be returned directly to the Portland Library by midnight of the reservation day (the day of your visit to the museum) or if the pass is borrowed over the weekend, Sunday by midnight. You may always put the pass in the Library's Book Drop. Other patrons may be waiting to use the pass and a $10.00 per day fine will be charged for late passes. Please contact the Library if you have any questions


May I borrow a pass for a day that the Library is closed?
Yes, if you wish to visit a museum on a day that the Library is closed (Sundays and holidays), please reserve the
non-printable pass on the Saturday and pick it up that day, even if you want to use it for Sunday admittance to a venue. When you reserve it on a Saturday, you have the non-printable pass for the whole weekend and you can use it either weekend day.  Printable passes may be printed prior to the visit day and can be the specific weekend day (Saturday or Sunday).  For more information, please contact the Portland Library at 860-342-6770.

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