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Library Staff

Jennifer Billingsley


Michele Grzejszczak

Adult Library Services & Programs


Jennifer Renk
Youth Services


Elena Kubica
Technical Services & Interlibrary Loan


Patti LaMalfa
Circulation Department


Karen Slocum
Acquisitions and Periodicals


Kim Bradley
Administrative Assistant

Questions for the Information Staff


Do you have a question?

This service is meant for brief
factual questions
(a definition, a date, etc.).

If you need an immediate answer, please call the
Library at 1-860-342-6770.

Thanks! Message sent.

About the Portland Library

Portland Library's Mission:
The Portland Library is a publicly-funded institution dedicated to the common good by serving the informational, educational, cultural, and recreational needs of the community and encouraging its patrons in the lifelong pursuit of learning and personal growth.  The library will be responsive to the needs of its diverse users, advocate and support the use of appropriate technology, build an excellent collection, commit itself to the highest ideals of library service and the principles of intellectual freedom, and provide a welcoming meeting place for the community.

Library Board of Directors

What is the Portland Library Board?
The Portland Library Board is a town commission which reports to the Board of Selectmen. 
What does the Library Board do?The Library Board is responsible for the policies that govern the internal operation and services of the library and for reviewing those policies on a regular basis. It is the responsibility of the Board to secure adequate funds to carry out the library’s mission. The Board also determines expenditures of all library gifts, grants, memorials and endowments and evaluates the Director annually. 


How do people get on the Board?
The members of the Library Board are appointed by the Board of Selectmen for four year terms.


When does the Library Board meet? 


In 2024, the Library board will meet Jan. 18, Feb. 15, Mar. 21, Apr. 18, May 16, June 20, July 18,  Aug. 15, Sept. 19, Oct. 17, Nov. 21, and Dec. 19.


Zoom meetings

To join Portland Library Board's virtual meetings, click on "Join remote meeting access through Zoom", the ID is 8603426777 and the Passcode is Portland


The meetings are held monthly and start at 7:00 p.m.  The meetings are open to the public.
The Board operates in accordance with the

Freedom of Information Act.


Who are members of the Library Board? 

Olenka Castelli            12/23 to 12/27

Donald C. Eiler             12/21 to 12/25
Myra Finkelstein         12/23 to 12/27
Betsy Graziano            12/21 to 12/25

Melissa Kelley             12/23 to 12/27

Jade Richardson         12/21 to 12/25

Laurel Steinhauser     12/21 to 12/25 (Chair)

Board of Selectmen Liaison: TBD


Ex-Officio Members
Jennifer Billingsley, Library Director
Monica Jensen, President, Friends of the Portland Library


The Library Board members are the representatives of the community and they are eager to hear from library users.


The Portland Library offers a wide array of services for all ages and interests.


We strive to maintain a broad collection encompassing many subject areas and viewpoints. We have hardcover, paperback, and large type books, books on CD, DVDs, music, magazines, newspapers, and local history materials. If you need an item which we do not own, we will try to obtain it either by purchasing it for our collection or borrowing it from another library.


Our staff is eager to help you. Please ask us for guidance on a research project, instruction on our online resources, homework help, suggestions for your next read or just about anything else.
We love to find answers.


For the public, we have ample computer workstations with high-speed Internet access.  Wi-fi, black and white, and color printers, copiers and outgoing FAX services are available at a small charge.  In addition, study rooms are available at the Portland Library.


Databases are available within the Library and many can be used from your home or office by entering your Portland Library card number when prompted.


CALL US at 860-342-6770

Email us!

Meeting Rooms

The Portland Library has meeting rooms and two small study rooms available for public use.


Meeting rooms:

The Mary Flood Room:

  • with tables and chairs: capacity is 40 people, 

  • with chairs only: capacity is 70 peopl

The Wagner Room: capacity is 30 people*

The Van Beynum Room: capacity is 12 people

Study Rooms:

The Nocek Room: capacity is 6 people

The Buck Room: capacity is 6 people


The size of the group determines which room will be booked. A larger room will not be booked if a smaller room is available which will comfortably accommodate the group. *Please note that the Wagner Room is a children's programming space and the chairs and tables available are lower than may be comfortable for groups of adults.


Meeting rooms are generally available during the hours that the library is open.


Except for town commissions and library-sponsored programs, groups will be limited to regular bookings of no more than once a month.


Only non-commercial, tax-exempt, cultural, civic, professional, educational or governmental groups may use the rooms. The Nocek and Buck rooms may be booked by individuals for quiet study.


In order to book a meeting room, contact the Administrative Assistant by email or by calling the Library at 342-6770.

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